Following the injunction of Jesus, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.”(Matt. 25:40) and the call to follow in the footsteps of our Father Founder, Archbishop Charles Heerey, C.S.Sp, on his “concern for the status of women, his compassion for the underprivileged, the sick and children, and for a good Christian family life …,” (Our Way of Life, Art. 3), we the Immaculate Heart Sisters in Minneapolis, MN serve Jesus in the poor with Mary Jo Copeland at Sharing and Caring Hands/Mary’s Place. Sisters witness to this call by listening to those who come through our door to receive care through provision of shelter, food, and a playful atmosphere for children at the Children Center, and advocating for homeless families and working with them toward self-sufficiency.
Immaculate Heart Convent
5106 Freemont Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55430
(Tel: + (612) 5213171)
We minister to the sick and the elderly at Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, St. Anthony’s Park Home, and Camdem Nursing Home in Minneapolis, MN. All are done with the compassion of Jesus bequeathed to us by our Founder Charles Heerey in the spirit of humility.